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  • New upgrade notification of 36 column circular gas health cabin
    發(fā)布時間:2018-02-11 閱讀次數(shù):8887次
    As a result of the new upgrade of 36 columns of circular gas health cabin, the supply price of agents at all levels is up 50 yuan, and the current national unified retail price is 6980. This is hereby notified.
    Upgrade content:
    1, the lining is upgraded to improve the heat preservation effect, waterproof, and anti odor.
    2, the circle above the cabin transformation cover, removable zipper, convenient installation and cleaning and dry inside the cabin.
    3, double deck cover internal add circular bracket, which is convenient for fixing the cabin.
    罗山县| 上蔡县| 柳州市| 奈曼旗| 烟台市| 定日县| 榆树市| 永定县| 年辖:市辖区| 海丰县| 呼伦贝尔市| 轮台县| 离岛区| 义乌市| 盖州市| 曲麻莱县| 巫山县| 大余县| 吉安县| 顺昌县| 禹城市| 肇源县| 东城区| 富裕县| 读书| 肇东市| 巨鹿县| 曲松县| 社会| 文成县| 涟源市| 桦川县| 金门县| 平安县| 云林县| 鹤壁市| 天门市| 闽侯县| 东兴市| 富源县| 潜江市|